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Jai Olive Reproductive Health and Fertility Support

Jai Olive Reproductive Health and Fertility Support is made just for you and your reproductive health needs. As a certified fertility doula, all services and support are evidence-based, client-centered, hands-on, and made with love and care.  All packages are designed to support common reproductive health concerns such as short/long cycles, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, sexually transmitted infections, PCOS, and infertility. Virtual options are available and include additional check-ins.   


Jai Olive Holistic Womb Support

A Holistic Fertility Doula assists individuals to build better their womb and period health to create a positive experience around reproductive health management. The Doula provides support, resources, and referral services for folks diagnosed with short/long cycles, infertility, miscarriage, PCOS, fibroids, menopause, and Endometriosis. I work with you and your support system to learn how to best address your reproductive health. 

This package can be offered virtually

  • Complimentary consultation included via in-person, Zoom, phone, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts

  • Menstrual Cycle Analysis

  • Womb Cleansing Guide

  • Custom nutrition, herbs, and steaming blends guide

  • Nutritional and herbal counseling included

  • Referral and resources for reproductive health

  • 30 Day Email, Facetime, Google Hangout, Zoom, and text message support during care.

Jai Olive Holistic Fertility Support

A Holistic Fertility Doula assists individuals to build better reproductive health and families to achieve conception and/or reproductive health management. The Doula provides support, resources, and referral services for folks seeking to conceive through vaginal intercourse, medical treatments, at-home insemination, and surgery. I work with you, your support system, and alongside health professionals and consultants to increase your chances for conception.

This package can be offered virtually

  • Complimentary consultation included via in-person, Zoom, phone, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts

  • Support includes guidance, resources, and referral services on nutrition health, managing stress factors, impacts of sex and ovulation, ​decongesting the womb, working & healing through uterine (Womb) trauma, herbs to increase fertility, scaling your fertility practice, and more.

  • Access to Jai Olive Client Moon Lounge during care

  • Six (6)  bi-weekly 1-hour virtual (Zoom) coaching sessions

  • Custom herbs and steaming blends w/ guide

  • Reproductive health/Fertility coaching sessions for 12 weeks

  • Nutritional and herbal counseling included

  • Email, Facetime, Google Hangout, Zoom, and text message support during care.

  • The client is responsible for sharing food diary, monthly ovulation updates dates, and disclosure of health-related information

  • Additional Cost for Service of 30 min Pelvic Steam, Yoni Steam Plan, and Yoni Oil (available starting Winter 2021)

Image by Jernej Graj

Jai Olive Yoni Steam Service

Coming Soon

In Certification as Steamy Chick Facilitator and active vaginal steamer for 2 years, I assist individuals in need of uterine cleansing, rebalancing of menses (period), need to increase fertility, and postpartum healing. 


The benefits of Yoni Steaming include:

  • Heals and tones the tissues of the vagina

  • Regulates menstrual cycle and flow - such as decreasing flow or restoring an absent cycle; it can also help to clear blood clots

  • Reduces symptoms of bloating, cramping, and pain during menstruation *when done prior to menstruation, it helps reduce the severity of symptoms

  • Increases fertility

  • Helps to clear uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis

  • Helpful for pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, or tightness

  • Trauma & emotional healing + a reconnection to femininity

  • Postpartum healing, healing from a miscarriage or an abortion

  • Helps to heal hemorrhoids

  • Supports complete cycles pre-menopause

  • Helps relieve vaginal dryness during menopause


As your Steam Facilitator I provide:​

  • Complimentary consultation included via in-person, phone, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts

  • Initial Assessment prior to Steaming Session

  • Yoni Steam Plan

  • Yoni Oil (a blend of oils and essential oils tailored to skin sensitivity)

  • 30-minute Steam Session (additional available for purchase)

  • A gentle blend of herbs is used to cleanse the uterus, release toxins, as well as strengthen and tone reproductive organs. 

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