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Looking to book the Rural Black Doula for your next collaboration?
Doula Jazzmine's "Rural Black Doula" is a Black birth scholar and cultural archivist researching Black midwife's reclamation of traditional birth practices. Doula Jazzmine has extensive experience collaborating with organizations on designing equity spaces that center culture, liberatory practices, and Black + Brown spirits in building toward a safer, culturally conscious, and representative space for birth.
Speaking and Conferences
What's New?
Past Engagement
Decat/CPPC Presents Black Maternal Health Dialogue: Dialogue on Community Advocacy
Everystep and CAN (Community Action Network) - "Black Maternal Health - Moving Beyond Disparities"
Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition
Stockton University - Womxn's History Month TogetHER event
Tight-Lipped Podcast Social Media Takeover
Find Your Resistance: World War Womb
NBDA: Healing the Black Womb
Co-Founder of the Meet the Black Doulas on Iowa Black Doula Collective
Collaborations and Partnerships
CDC - Hear Her Campaign
Jou Jou
Healthy Start - Black & Birthy
Grinnell SPARKS Grant
NATAL Docuseries
Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition
News Highlights
Black Iowans face a startlingly high maternal mortality rate, and it's a systemic problem
VNA Doula Program Aims to Reduce Health Disparities for Black Mothers
Iowa Black Doula Collective Proves Representation Matters, Fox 17
In, Maternal Mortality Highlights Deep Racial Divide In Health Care, Iowa Public Radio
Rural Assembly - "The Rural Black doula" Jazzmine Brooks on Empowering Rural Moms
Published Materials
Email Rural Black Doula at
Presentation Listing Coming Soon
Follow the Rural Black Doula on Instagram
Past Vlog Posts
RBDC is a tribute to those in search
of their mother's garden.
RBDC: Let's Talk About the 'F' Word w/ Charmaine
RBDC: "Boss Mom" w/ Janessa Lindsey
Join @RuralBlackDoula
on social media
Check out my Facebook and Instagram Stories, YouTube Vlog Channel, and more.
Speaking Engagement
2022 Iowa Civil & Human Rights Symposium
Session Title: Healthcare at the Intersections
COVID-19 exposed how vulnerable populations are at greater risk when quality, accessible, culturally conscious, and person-centered services and support are not available. In this session, the facilitator will share their work in supporting folks at the intersections of race, gender, ability, spirituality, sexual orientation, citizenship status, and class. We'll identify the challenges of navigating health and social services, and how to better create informative policies and practices that support BIPOC people and their families.